We live in an energy-conscious world, and rightfully so. Because of the diminishing availability of fossil fuels, we have to be extra conscientious about how we heat and cool our homes. To increase sustainability, it is important to make sure your home can be heated in the winter and cooled in the summer with less reliance on energy. To make this happen, you need to install the right awnings.
Lower Costs and More Privacy
Awnings that retract are a preferred installation as they are not only attractive, but they can also be manipulated to maintain the coolness in a home’s interior or draw in the warmth of the sun in the winter. When you choose this type of accessory, you not only pay less on your fuel and cooling costs, you also make your patio or deck more private. Adding an awning that retracts can be a big boon to the functionality of your residence.
Retractable patio awnings conveniently supply shade for the outdoor living space when it is needed. What’s more, you can choose from two kinds of retracting methods. Retractable awnings are available in motorised and manual designs. Whilst these two kinds of awnings accomplish the same goal, each one does it differently and each is made up of different components.
A Manual Retractable Awning Design
A manual retractable awning employs articulated arms that open and close in phases. The first arms are typically spring loaded, whilst the other arms furl to retract the shade or unfurl to extend it. The entire process is completed by winding a shaft counterclockwise or clockwise to roll or unroll the awning. The cranking of the shaft permits the articulated arms to retract or extend.
Motorised Awnings
On the other hand, motorised awnings use telescopic arms to accomplish the same task. Motorised patio awnings use the telescopic arms for protracting and retracting. Unlike articulated arms, the telescopic arms push and pull the awning out instead of folding it in and out.
You don’t need a crank to perform the operation. The motorised variety only needs the push of a button to unwind the awning or direct it back into place. Once the remote is pushed, the motor inside the covering quietly opens or closes the shade.
Advantages of Operation
If you buy a manual awning, you will find that the crankshaft part of the design requires little maintenance. You have more control when operating this type of awning as well. However, the motorised awning is often preferred as it requires little effort to operate the shade.
Extend Your Outdoor Living Space and Save Money at the Same Time
When you look at the advantages of installing a retractable awning, you cannot help but get excited about the cost savings you can enjoy. Plus, the awning makes it possible to extend your indoor living space to the outdoors. Not only do the awnings help you save money on your cooling and heating costs, they make it possible to expand your living area as well.
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