Undoubtedly, our home is a lifetime asset for us and it is very dear to us. We have to live in our home for life long and hence develop affectionate feelings towards it. At the same time, it is also true that any home or property is constructed with hard-earned money and efforts by the relevant owners. That is why most of us take all the preventative measures to keep our home or property protected against any harm that may be caused due to varying factors. Out of these, dampness is also among major threatening factors that may cause vast scale or even sometimes irreparable damage to the structures as well as other things contained inside the property.
To manage all such issues, experts such as damp proofing Richmond offer their valuable services to those who need the same. If you are also worried about dampness at your place then you need to know the possible causes for the same. It is quite important as you can take appropriate measures for repairs or prevention of damage only if you are well-aware about the source of dampness. Below given are some of the chief and possible causes of dampness at any place. Keep reading.
Dampness caused due to leakages- Evidently, leakage is one among the chief causes of dampness at any place. The leakage may be caused due to broken pipes, cracks in the structures of the building, blockage of rain water on the roof or the attic, blocked gutters or sewer pipes or anything else.
Excess of ground water- Dampness in the walls and other adjoining structures may also be caused due to rise in the ground water. Due to increase in the level of ground water, the excess of water may start rising up the walls and other structures and hence causes dampness therein. Such a condition arises when damp proof course fails to work properly or some source of water such as a flower bed or patio has been installed near the walls.
Internal causes- Apart from external sources of dampness, there are some other internal causes as well that may result in dampness at your place. As an instance, presence of water vapours due to condensation as a result of various processes going on inside the home or the property may also lead to dampness. For example, excessive use of water heating devices or such other gadgets that may result in formation of water vapours may lead to dampness.
Lack of proper air circulation or ventilation- Although it is an indirect cause of dampness at any place however it is also among one of the major causes of dampness at any place. It is because lack of ventilation results in presence of moisture content inside the property. The walls, floors, ceilings and other structures of the property remain wet or moist due to lack of proper air circulation. As a result, there is always dampness at the given place.
These are all the major and possible causes of dampness at any place. Therefore these must be managed and got ridden of to keep your property safe against any damages.
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